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NOT A Girl NOT yet A Woman

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February 2005
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June 2005
December 2006
June 2007




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Nature Dream
Vintage Melody

Monday, June 18, 2007

After the last post, I'm into the mood of writing again. Perhaps it's only when you slow down you realise that you overlooked things that were always yours while you pursue something infront of you.

I got myself a wonderful companion who tolerates all my nonsense and tries his best to make me happy. I've graduated now from school and feeling a little lost somehow.. I 've worked nad quit, cause the job is dead boring and full of mistakes..

When was the last time I felt so slack? Can't quite remenber. Really hope to make good use of this break to do something good. A venture or invesment.

apple loves
10:00 PM

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


apple loves
7:56 AM


apple loves
7:56 AM

Saturday, June 18, 2005

School life was so far so good.. Haven't been working hard lately.. working life sucks bIG time these days with the disatrous idiot around.. Throwing his supervisory airs and create double job for ppl.. End up getting blamed for helping out at work, disturbed when serving the guests by this particular idiot.. He's always picking on me and poor idah for no obvious reasons..

Such audactiy he has to comment on others lateness when he himself cannot set a good example.. WE are paid hourly but he receive a lump sum each month.. He's supposed to fulfil 8 hrs but he leaves earlier than that? What rubbish he saying that we rush to finish so we can go out after that.. Is that your business.. Not rebutting isn't tolerance just a gesture of courtesy.. Don go overboard plzzz...

Everyone is so00000 freaking pissed of with that shit who doesn't noe his problem.. Well he's just some spoilt brat and bastard.. Not that he's mom's a bitch but i pity the parents for having such a crap at home.. That idiot realli cmi lor!!!

i saw T3 days back at the canteen.. Out of a sudden he called my name and started to talk till his friends came.. Well very unlikely of him.. Then i saw him again on my way to work.. He asked me where i was heading to.. That feeling didn't come up but still i guess i was still affected then work probs build up.. I broke down at night.. W was consoling me.. Very nice of him then.. Ray thinks we are going out u noe? like steads? oh nonono! damn tired these days perhaps its time to take a break out of all these toils and snares.. Find a new way out perhaps?

I clocked off early today to pass by the world juggling day stage..I saw a couple of juggles playing with fire torches, juggling fruits, fire sticks lighted at 2 ends even flaring bottles appeared!!Juggling is after all not that typical at all.. There can be so much drama, ballet, kungfu inside it even.. One o f the duo in the open group comp had burn marks on his shoulders.. Their performance are stunning.. How much effort, perseverance and passion they had to put it to success.. Man are the most outstanding when the are confident and serious..

Hopefully the coming week takes a turn for the better....Cheer!s

apple loves
10:42 AM

Friday, June 03, 2005


Life's so much a pity when you are all alone by urself trying ur best to hold on and be brave...
How u always wished there was someone with u sharing the joy and the pain altogether...
My life's been hidden in a corner these days looking for some breakthrough and improvement...
Friends have been very sociable these days than b4.. Companion is almost immediate when u need it..

But still... Something important is missing and someone refuses to admit wat the thing actualli is..
She envies those who acknowledges it but detests those who suffered to keep it....
When will the day my life be complete? My life be acknowledge by another who truly cares? Will that day ever come and I'll die un vain?

apple loves
8:40 PM

Monday, April 11, 2005

Judy, my managers b'dae..Bryan brought a durian cake specially from Marriot hotel..He was sweating on his way to meet us at the restaurant.. We went China Jump lest we were underage.. Well jude noes the ppl there mah..

I was foolish to drink when i skipped dinner and was totally dehydrated after the dancing.. I mixed vodka with beer and of course starving makes the alcohol do unbearable.. I puked in the cab but lucky Rahman was there to help he brought plastic bags with him.. Well i have a history of car sickness and he opened up the window for me to inhale sum fresh air..

Perhaps i haven have fun for sum time and got a lil carried away.. I managed to hold myself together till i opened the door and locked it behind me..Stretching out to remove the torturous heels my legs gave way and i collapsed behind the door too tired to move with an empty stomach having drained the very last ounce of energy on the dance floor and it was strong determination that allowed me the ability to hold on till i reach home..

The next morning was horrendous..Dad found me behind the door after he returned from work helped me up and got me some tea.. He didn't probe into it further so i went to bath and then to bed..

I skipped my first lessons for an elective and barely manage to pull myself together to meet my Tort lecturer for our project feedback..

Results..2hour pluss of talking..I was dehydrated and a still under the effects of the hangover lucky the meeting did not stretch any further..

i didn't work as scheduled too lazy to after the stomach upset this morning..The burning sensation took sum time to wear down.. It was better to take a day off and assume a laid back attitude.. Relaxing Man!

apple loves
8:47 AM

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Finally he spot me on msn and we talked a cool 2hrs on monday.. Tuesday was a nokia function held ming ling myself and pam were greeddily wobbling down lobsters and choco fondae... YUmmy.. The new sup came finally whu is known as shah boy... rather intimidating though..Maybe he's just new... Wednesday was off day i went out with Peiwen to shop at orchard.. Bought a ring and blue chandelier earrings at heerens... abt 40bucks.. A top from zara 19.90 didn't noe their clothes were ever that cheap b4.. 1 laced and bejewelled spag top abt 43 and a red dress abt 45.. SEXY!

Thursdae was another shopping spree with Jam this time..Bought a bright green watch that was gorgeous..Another item was a sash shee too bought one as well as 2 shirts which i helped her to pick...We bought the same type of bra and surprisingly my size grew.. From a C to a D wow... she wasn't bad either a C too..
we got a bonia card holder each from seiyu for spending 100 and above moreover i bought abd invisible adhesive bra to go with camisoles.. wonder if it would betray me n gif way.. Jude asked me to fetch some toner at waterfront.. On my way back, a man working at the stretch of clarke quay restaurants n bar complimented me for being on cloud nine..

Its fridae today and i'm here typing my week out in a glance..LOoking 4ward to next week with lin @ holland V is suppose...o0Peeps0o

apple loves
11:31 PM

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I worked today sia..nd missed the chance to chat with him online! What a day man! I didn't noe whu it was tot it was sum latin freak whu disturbed me b4..
I ought to slap myself... Waited for so long and there it goes.. Waited for so long and there it goes.. Haix ..He didn't reply the msg or anything....
So sad he didn't log on tyo friendster too... Bet he may be too busy too.. Msg dun think to much...
Haix at least noe that he has connection ler so no worries he will be online quite soon i suppose i shouldn't hold much hope and end up disappointed in the end..

I g

apple loves
8:22 AM